6 casual Hobbies that improve guitar skills using a neural process called the transfer effect

By Aditya Shukla, psychologist and guitarist

The transfer effect: Practicing one skill gives performance gains to another related skill. The neural changes that occur because of these hobbies are utilized for guitar playing (also called neural reuse). Neurons are also often reinforced through a "double rehearsal" in different contexts. E.g. Cycling helps Biking.

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Speed CUbing

Memorizing algorithms and quickly using them with fingers trains the muscle memory and finger dexterity.


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Touch Typing

Touch typing is a technique to type without looking. That skill will help playing without looking and also finger control.


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Dancing teaches a sense of rhythm and integrates it into the body. So dancing becomes an internalized sense of rhythm. This goes beyond tapping your feet and makes rhythm intuitive.


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Graphic Design

Graphic design is highly dependent on understanding and processing shapes. This shape "sense" transfers to the shape of notes and chords laid out on the fretboard.


More Neuroscience for Guitar

6 Neuroscience hacks for guitar practice

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Photography talks a lot about the composition of an image. Musical & visual compositions are different, so the visual aspect changes the musical perspective.


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Different spices create a vocabulary of smells that make food interesting. The same vocabulary can be applied to make music more interesting. It's more than a metaphor, it's a sensory transfer.



Keep the hobby fun and interesting.

Think about how the hobby and guitar can relate.

Pay attention to the different sensations and movements you find in hobbies.

Get adequate sleep for your brain to consolidate the new learning & the transfer of skills.





Tips to maximize the transfer effect

Guitar therapy: 8 psychological benefits of playing guitar
