DYK playing Guitar can be Therapeutic?

Read more for the psychology behind it.

By Aditya Shukla, Psychologist, Musician, Entrepreneur

– Reduce random intrusive thoughts – Improve mood and counter depression – Help with pain management – A way to relax and reduce anxiety – Create work-life balance – Improve cognitive health and strengthen memory systems – Defend against Alzheimer’s and Dementia and age well – Create a sense of achievement – Create a meaningful activity that improves life satisfaction and happiness

Hobby playing is like DIY music therapy

It’s a good distraction


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Playing guitar engages your attention and takes attention away from stress. And then, prevents replaying old memories. Your previous emotions, and even pain, fade away as you play.

It builds new neural connections


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All kinds of learning create new neurons and change activity patterns. That is neuroplasticity. And that creates brain reserve - a large surplus of neural connections that defend the brain from aging and slowing down due to disease.

Making music engages the parasympathetic nervous system


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The parasympathetic nervous system reduces muscle tension, lowers heart rate, and relaxes the body. It is triggered by feeling safe and satisfied, which also comes from making music.

Guitar practice is meditative


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When you practice, you are focusing solely on the guitar and engaging with it. It is, by definition, a mindfulness meditation activity, and offers the same benefits of meditation.

You get an identity, purpose, and social support


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Making music together builds relationships and human connection. It also helps you define who you are. Both go a long-way in adjusting to life.

More Neuroscience for Guitar

6 Neuroscience hacks for guitar practice